One Hundred (and more) Rust PRs

278 / 100

Hi there! In 2018 I decided to set up this little thing where I track my progress of learning Rust and contributing to its ecosystem. In March 2019 I completed the first 100 pull requests and I wrote about it here.

Why 100?

It's low enough to feel reachable but it also requires a significant amount of commitment.

What counts?

I decided to only count contributions to other projects because it prevents me from cheating the count by creating dozens of small pull requests to my own projects. It also means that pretty much every PR will benefit the Rust ecosystem in some way.

2021-02-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Upgrade compiletest-rs to 0.6 and tester to 0.9
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2021-02-10: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Add basic `bless` support
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2021-02-10: Made a contribution to rustc-test
Allow multiple test filters
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2021-02-09: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Move to GitHub Actions
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2021-01-31: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
clippy_dev: Pass stderr to CommandFailed
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2021-01-28: Made a contribution to rust
compiletest: Add two more unit tests
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2021-01-06: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix derive and macro related false positives in `field_reassign_with_default`
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2021-01-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Tiny Symbol cleanup
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2021-01-04: Made a contribution to highfive
Add myself to Clippy reviewers again
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2021-01-04: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix blessing of test output in subdirectories
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2021-01-03: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Run `cargo test` on CI
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2021-01-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update CHANGELOG for Rust 1.50
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2020-12-22: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Don't trigger large_enum_variant in external macros
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2020-12-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
UI Tests: Separate suspicious_else_formatting tests
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2020-12-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix blessing of new reference files
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2020-12-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rewrite update-all-references bash scripts in Rust
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2020-10-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Remove lazy_static completely and use once_cell feature instead
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2020-10-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Replace some lazy_static usage with once_cell feature
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2020-08-04: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Remove old Symbol reexport
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2020-07-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Deprecate regex_macro lint
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2020-06-06: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleanup: Use rustc's `same_type` for our `same_tys`
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2020-06-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add regression test for `string_lit_as_bytes` issue
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2020-06-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add regression test for endless loop / update `pulldown_cmark`
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2020-05-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Make empty_line_after_outer_attr an early lint
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2020-04-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Remove util/dev script
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2020-04-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Use more diagnostic items
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2020-04-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
rustup to
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2020-04-25: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add lifetime test case for `new_ret_no_self`
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2020-04-24: Made a contribution to http-types
Add conversions to and from bytes
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2020-04-23: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update for Rust 1.43 and 1.44
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2020-04-22: Made a contribution to rust
More diagnostic items for Clippy usage
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2020-04-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
util/ Add Markdown formatted link
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2020-04-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update the changelog update documentation
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2020-04-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleanup: `node_id` -> `hir_id`
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2020-04-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleanup: future_not_send: use `utils::return_ty` function
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2020-04-17: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleanup: Rename 'db' variables to 'diag'
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2020-04-16: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Re-enable rustfmt integration test
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2020-04-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
large_enum_variant: Report sizes of variants
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2020-04-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Refactor: Use rustc's `match_def_path`
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2020-04-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Make use of more diagnostic items
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2020-04-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
result_map_unit_fn: Fix incorrect UI tests
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2020-04-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleanup: Use our `sym!` macro more
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2020-04-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleanup: Use rustc's is_proc_macro_attr
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2020-04-13: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Temporarily disable rustfmt integration test
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2020-04-12: Made a contribution to rust
Add some basic docs to `sym` and `kw` modules
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2020-04-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rustup to
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2020-03-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rustup to
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2020-03-25: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Remove dependency on `matches` crate
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2020-03-16: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Make use of `or_patterns` feature
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2020-02-26: Made a contribution to rustc-dev-guide
Add introductory section for name resolution chapter
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2020-01-18: Made a contribution to reference
Small improvements to types/
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2020-01-27: Made a contribution to book
Replace nursery links with rust-lang links
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2020-01-27: Made a contribution to book
Mention discovery book more prominently
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2020-01-27: Made a contribution to book
Add a Glossary appendix page
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2020-01-31: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Deprecate util/dev in favor of cargo alias
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2020-01-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Resolve FIXME: String::new is now a const fn
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2020-01-18: Made a contribution to reference
Small improvements to types/
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2020-01-13: Made a contribution to discovery
Requirements: USB cables need data transfer
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2020-01-04: Made a contribution to rust-ecosystem
Fix outdated link in README
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2020-01-04: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-01-02: Made a contribution to jsonapi-rust
Fix cargo/ Travis CI badge
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2019-12-23: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update changelog for Rust 1.39 and 1.40
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2019-12-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-11-23: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix false positive in derive_hash_xor_eq
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2019-11-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
(Partly) Fix Clippy website deployment
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2019-11-29: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add custom ICE message that points to Clippy repo
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2019-11-29: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Move use_self lint to nursery
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2019-10-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
UI test cleanup: Extract derive_hash_xor_eq tests
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2019-10-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix: Don't emit try_err lint in external macros
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2019-10-15: Made a contribution to rust
Refactor: Rename `db` locals to `diag`
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2019-10-13: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Update compiletest to work with latest rustc nightly
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2019-09-23: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add run-rustfix for toplevel_ref_arg lint
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2019-09-23: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update the changelog for Rust 1.38
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2019-09-21: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add run-rustfix for wildcard_enum_match_arm lint
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2019-09-12: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Use resume_unwind instead of panic!() for nicer errors
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2019-09-11: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Add support for upstream's 'edition' flag
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2019-09-10: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Add a proc-macro UI test example to the test project
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2019-09-06: Made a contribution to rust
annotate-snippet emitter: Update an issue number
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2019-09-06: Made a contribution to rust
annotate-snippet emitter: Deal with multispans from macros, too
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2019-09-06: Made a contribution to annotate-snippets-rs
Small update to `Slice` docs
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2019-09-03: Made a contribution to rust
librustc_errors: Extract sugg/subst handling into method
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2019-08-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix cast_lossless false positive in impl const fn
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2019-08-29: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix missing_const_for_fn false positive
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2019-08-29: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added more rustfix tests
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2019-08-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Split up cmp_owned tests, add run-rustfix
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2019-08-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix unused_unit false positive
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2019-08-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add 3 more run-rustfix headers
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2019-08-25: Made a contribution to rust
Update Clippy submodule from 2bcb615 to 05f603e
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2019-08-25: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-08-21: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Document how to update the changelog
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2019-08-21: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix some suggestions for redundant_pattern_matching
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2019-08-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Disable RLS integration test
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2019-08-16: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Remove unused dev scripts/files
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2019-08-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Deprecate unused_collect lint
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2019-08-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update changelog for Rust 1.37
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2019-08-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update lint deprecation mechanism for tool lints
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2019-08-07: Made a contribution to rustfix
Fix a string indexing bug in rustfix
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2019-08-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add run-rustfix for needless_bool lint
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2019-08-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix enum_variant_names false positives
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix needless_bool suggestion with if--else-if--else
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Doctests: Enable running doc tests for nursery lints
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Doctests: Enable running doc tests for restriction lints
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Doctests: Enable running doc tests for pedantic lints
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add run-rustfix for decimal_literal_representation lint
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2019-08-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-08-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Doctests: Enable running doc tests for perf lints
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2019-08-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Doctests: Enable running doc tests for complexity lints
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2019-08-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-08-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Mark `fn_to_numeric_cast` lints as MaybeIncorrect
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2019-08-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-07-26: Made a contribution to rust
librustc_errors: Support ui-testing flag in annotate-snippet emitter
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2019-06-12: Made a contribution to tide
Add doc example showing query parameter extraction
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2019-07-16: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Add support for rustfix coverage tracking
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2019-07-17: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-07-16: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-07-15: Made a contribution to annotate-snippets-rs
Fix too many anonymized line numbers
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2019-06-13: Made a contribution to annotate-snippets-rs
Add option to anonymize line numbers
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2019-06-18: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Refactor: Replace NodeSet with HirIdSet
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2019-06-12: Made a contribution to rust
librustc_errors: Add some more documentation
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2019-06-04: Made a contribution to rust
Add new diagnostic writer using annotate-snippet library
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2019-05-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update pulldown_cmark to 0.5.2
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2019-05-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-05-29: Made a contribution to rust
librustc_errors: Move annotation collection to own impl
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2019-05-25: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-05-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-05-23: Made a contribution to rust
librustc_errors: Remove unused annotation style `OldSchoolNoteText`
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2019-05-23: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-05-22: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-05-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add a stderr file length check to clippy_dev
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2019-05-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-05-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add tests for empty_loop lint
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2019-05-07: Made a contribution to mdBook
Don't let robots index the print.html
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2019-04-29: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add two more tests for redundant_closure
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2019-04-25: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update pulldown_cmark to 0.5
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2019-04-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-04-22: Made a contribution to rust
Deny rust_2018_idioms globally
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2019-04-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix allowing of toplevel_ref_arg lint
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2019-04-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for match_as_ref lint
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2019-04-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix false positive in module_name_repetitions lint
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2019-04-18: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for len_zero lint
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2019-04-18: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for option_map_or_none lint
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2019-04-18: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Change naive_bytecount applicability to MaybeIncorrect
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2019-04-17: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Change while_let_loop applicability to HasPlaceholders
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2019-04-17: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for deref_addrof lint
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2019-04-17: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for bool_comparison lint
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2019-04-13: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update changelog for Rust 1.34
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2019-04-11: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-04-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash in decimal_literal_representation lint
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2019-04-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for redundant_closure lint
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2019-04-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Don't emit useless_attribute lint in external macros
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2019-04-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash in suspicious_else_formatting lint
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2019-04-06: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add missing `// run-pass` annotations to ICE tests
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2019-04-05: Made a contribution to rustfix
Migrate to Rust 2018
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2019-04-04: Made a contribution to rust
rustfix coverage: Skip UI tests with non-json error-format
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2019-03-29: Made a contribution to rust
Add a way to track Rust,fix UI test coverage
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2019-03-27: Made a contribution to rust
Improved some compiletest documentation
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2019-03-26: Made a contribution to rustfix
Fix out of bounds access in parse_snippet
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2019-03-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for mistyped_literal_suffix lint
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2019-03-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for useless_asref lint
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2019-03-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-03-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added rustfix tests for string_lit_as_bytes lint
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2019-03-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-03-13: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Some more HirId-ification
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2019-03-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Remove some unused features and `error-pattern`s
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2019-03-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Run more doc tests
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2019-03-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add lint writing documentation
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2019-03-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Refactor: Remove utils::opt_def_id
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2019-03-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Refactor: Cleanup one part of assign_ops lint
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2019-03-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Refactor: Extract `trait_ref_of_method` function
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2019-03-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Document match_path, improve match_qpath docs
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2019-03-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed two missing_const_for_fn false positives
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2019-02-27: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-02-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update changelog for Rust 1.33
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2019-02-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Extract diagnostics module and document some functions
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2019-02-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Document some `span_lint_*` util functions
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2019-02-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Document `declare_clippy_lint` macro
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2019-02-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-02-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-02-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash in needless_pass_by_value lint
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2019-02-09: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Simplify UI test invocation
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2019-02-09: Made a contribution to rust
Transition compiletest tool to Rust 2018
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2019-02-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash in vec_box lint
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2019-01-31: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-01-31: Made a contribution to rust
Improved another bug! message
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2019-01-30: Made a contribution to book
Update the Rust book Clippy section
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2019-01-29: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add initial version of const_fn lint
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2019-01-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Prevent incorrect cast_lossless suggestion in const_fn
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2019-01-25: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update changelog with all changes since 0.0.212
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2019-01-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-01-19: Made a contribution to rust
Removed a bug emission from qualify_min_const_fn module
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2019-01-08: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Removed license headers from all files
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2019-01-05: Made a contribution to rust
Made a module public
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2019-01-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
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2019-01-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Integrate rustfix into Clippy test suite
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2019-01-02: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Integrate rustfix into compiletest-rs
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2019-01-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-01-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2019-01-02: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Fixed deprecation warnings
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2018-12-31: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Improved util documentation
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2018-12-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2018-12-23: Made a contribution to rust
Actually run compiletest suite on CI. It didn't before.
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2018-12-22: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Changed hierarchy
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2018-12-19: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Improved integration test error detection
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2018-12-18: Made a contribution to rustfmt
Fixed some deprecation warnings (trim_left/trim_right)
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2018-12-15: Made a contribution to rust
Added more unit tests to compiletest
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2018-12-13: Made a contribution to rust
Added a missing testsuite for a rustc testing tool
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2018-12-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a false positive with the doc_markdown lint
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2018-12-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added a suggestion to the explicit_write lint
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2018-12-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed an off-by-one issue with the doc_markdown lint
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-12-10: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleaned up README in regards to now stable tool_lints feature
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2018-12-04: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
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2018-12-04: Made a contribution to
Fixed some typos before the release of the new website
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2018-12-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Enforce LF lineendings when cloning Clippy
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2018-12-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continue fixing Clippy Windows CI build
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2018-12-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Introduce a issue/PR triage procedure for Clippy
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2018-12-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix some outdated links
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2018-11-30: Made a contribution to rust
Fix const_fn ICE with non-const function pointer
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-11-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Update in regards to merged Clippy RFC
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2018-11-22: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Small variable renaming
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2018-11-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Finished rewrite of internal python script in Rust
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2018-11-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rewrote another part of internal python script in Rust
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-11-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-11-02: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-11-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rewrote another part of internal python script in Rust
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-11-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add missing code of conduct file
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-11-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-31: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Continuation of UI test output cleanup
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-27: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix multiple incorrect suggestions related to macros
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-16: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rewrote another part of internal python script in Rust
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Started setting up Travis for Windows
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a false positive after the previous lint rewrite
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rewrote two lints for relicensing purposes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-05: Made a contribution to rust
Improved documentation for two rustc internal types
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2018-10-04: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Improved a link between pages
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-10-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash
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2018-09-30: Made a contribution to rust
Improved error handling in one edge case
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2018-09-28: Made a contribution to reference
Improved a link between pages
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-09-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-09-14: Made a contribution to rust
Added automatic resolution suggestions to a lint
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-09-14: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleaned up the README for the latest Rust release
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2018-09-13: Made a contribution to rust
Added unit tests for a Levensthein function
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2018-09-11: Made a contribution to rustc-dev-guide
Added a section about using incremental compilation
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-09-06: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Rewrote first part of internal python script in Rust
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-09-03: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed some warnings on CI
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-08-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Cleaned up a dev script
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2018-08-21: Made a contribution to maud-book
Added a page explaining how to compose templates
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2018-08-14: Made a contribution to maud
Updated a dependency on actix-web
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2018-08-05: Made a contribution to unidiff-rs
Simplified the test fixture loading a bit
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2018-08-02: Made a contribution to hubcaps
Added support for creating Review Comments through this GitHub API Client library
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2018-07-29: Made a contribution to libsyntax2
Added Clippy to CI build
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2018-07-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-06-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-21: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-21: Made a contribution to rustc-dev-guide
Added an example of how type inference works
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-16: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Add integration tests to Clippy to notice regressions in popular crates
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed 5 different crashes at once
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-13: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed crash in new build script
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-13: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-12: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Document how to debug Clippy build failures after nightly changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-11: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Made sure Clippy compilation aborts early on outdated/unsupported 'Rust', versions
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-05-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a crash
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed Clippy after nightly breaking changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-28: Made a contribution to rust
My first actual 'Rust', contribution
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-28: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed clippy after nightly introduced breaking changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-24: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Explained how Clippy works
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-18: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed clippy after nightly introduced breaking changes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Took over a pull request, adding a new lint
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed a false positive in nonminimal_bool lint
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-04-01: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Improved the contribution documentation
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-03-26: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed an incorrect lint suggestion
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-02-21: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed another incorrect lint suggestion
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-02-20: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Improved documentation around executing tests
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-02-07: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fixed an incorrect suggestion from a lint
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes
2018-01-30: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Added a new lint that detects empty lines after attributes
codeRustLink to PRLink to changes